Biden Tax Plan

Helpful Checklist – Biden Tax Plan!

Are you like me? Does it drive you nuts when companies force you to hand over your email address to obtain a helpful piece of content? Yep, I felt we were kindred spirits on this one.

The helpful piece of content in this post is a checklist of issues to consider if you are earning over $400,000 in total household income. The Biden Tax Plan would impact you directly if you earn over $400,000 of household income but there’s always opportunity to plan ahead!!

Hopefully, this checklist is helpful for you or brings to mind an important topic that adds value to you. And the great news is, no email address necessary to download, review, and enjoy! #hallelujah

Please review the checklist here via PDF download —> Biden Tax Plan Checklist

– Kaleb Paddock, CFP®

You can learn more about Ten Talents and Kaleb, a financial planner based in Parker, Colorado, here.

Kaleb can be reached at (303) 961-4397 or

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