Proverbs 15 22 many advisers quote

What would happen if you were blindsided?

What would happen if you were blindsided?

What would happen if you were blindsided in your car as you drive home from work tonight?

Not an accident leading to your death, but you simply are injured, can’t work, and your spouse is left having to piece together accessing accounts and contacting key people?

The value of a professional network of advisors!

Do you have a professional network in place to serve your family?

Yes, it’s important to “get documents in order” but how are you proactively blessing your spouse by organizing things like passwords, PINs, 2-FA logins, detailed notes with names, phone numbers, etc. for all the financial providers in your life?

Get some ideas for how you can prepare for the unexpected!

Thank you for watching and I hope you have a blessed day!

– Kaleb Paddock, CFP®

Learn More

You can learn more about Ten Talents and Kaleb, a financial planner based in Parker, Colorado, here. Kaleb can be reached at (720) 710-0939 or

Hi, I’m Kaleb. I’m the Founder of Ten Talents. I’m blessed to be regularly featured in CNBC, MONEY, and Business Insider personal finance articles. I’m a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) Professional based in Parker, Colorado and I’m a fiduciary and fee-only advisor.

Put simply, this means that I don’t sell you financial products, I act in your best interest at all times, and my pricing is clear and easy to understand.

My Client are Eyeing Retirement Decisions

My clients are eyeing retirement decisions, often work at technology companies, or have experienced a sudden money event (inheritance, home sale, business sale, stock IPO, gift).

I love bringing confidence and clarity to your financial situation and I’m passionate about helping you take control of your financial future.

You can learn more about me and Ten Talents by visiting my website:

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