What’s On My Mind – Episode 126 – “What you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)”
April 16, 2020//
What you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)!
Did you know that HSAs are even more tax-advantaged than 401(k) accounts?
Learn how you can save an additional 7.65% on your taxes by using your Health Savings Account.
You can also check out the original blog post that inspired this episode of What’s On My Mind.
Thank you for watching and I hope you have a blessed day!
– Kaleb Paddock, CFP®
You can learn more about Ten Talents and Kaleb, a financial advisor based in Parker, Colorado, here. Kaleb can be reached at (303) 961-4397 or kaleb@tentalentsfp.com.
Posted in Health Savings Accounts, What's On My Mind
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